The debut of Dragon Fever at the Idaho Film Family festival in Boise, Idaho was a smashing success. Directed by Harrington and Patzer, the film was a visual and aural delight.
The cinematography was stunning, with beautiful shots of the Idaho landscape, and the actors’ performances were engaging and believable. The sound design was excellent, with subtle effects that added to the atmosphere. The costume, hair, and makeup were top-notch, and the special effects were extraordinary.
The story was captivating, with a compelling plot and well-developed characters. The pacing was perfect, and the dialogue was sharp and witty. The film had plenty of humor and heart, which made for a truly enjoyable experience.
Overall, Dragon Fever was a great success. Harrington and Patzer have created an entertaining and thought-provoking film that is sure to be a hit with audiences. Fans of westerns and adventure should definitely seek out this film when it is released.