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The Fancy Cassette Tape Recorder

It was 1971 and I HATED reading. It was probably more of a loathing than a hating, if you want to know the real truth. Reading was like punishment. I didn't seem to mind practicing piano as much as I hated reading. But, one day we went to visit my dad in his office at work. Right there, that very moment while sitting in the big chair in front of his desk, I developed a love for reading that has never stopped. Dad told me he would give me the fancy cassette tape recorder he had sitting on his desk, right in front of my eyes, if I finished reading up to book 21. That tape recorder looked like something right out of Star Trek. I could imagine Mr. Spock holding it and recording the aliens talking! It took me what felt like an eternity to get that first grade teacher to pass me off on reading book 21. This was the seed that grew my love for all things cameras, speakers, livestream and music. It all started with this small tape recorder.